The Cloud Nothings, "Wasted Days"
With all due respect to love, heartbreak kicks its ass when it comes to penning tunes. And while inner peace and contentedness is all fine and good, its musical oeuvre pales in comparison to that of disappointment and self-loathing.
Alas, not everyone has the chromosomal make-up to be a successful self-loather. Fiona Apple has got it. So does Roger Waters. Jared Leto (30TM) too. Up with People? Not so much.
Which may you leave you wondering: "do I have what it takes to be a self-loather?"
Well, as a public service, we at MWMT have developed a simple, less than ten minute, self-diagnostic tool to assess your level of self-loathing. It consists solely of listening to Cloud Nothing's "Wasted Days".
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Image: Benjamin Chun, Flickr (CC-by NA 2.0) |
If within two minutes you're ready to move on from what you perceive to be self-indulgent overwrought dreck...
Sorry, but you are undoubtedly destined to while away your likely many remaining days in comparative bliss. It's a bummer because you are going to miss out on some amazing emotional post-five-minute-mark musical crescendos.
If you make it through the entire song, but find yourself wondering by the end how many times one can possibly repeat the same damn chorus over and over again...
The potential is there, but it looks like you're still a few major life disappointments away from realizing your full self-loathing capabilities. Chin up. There's still time.
But if you make it through the entire song and find yourself hoarse, mind-blown and sprawling for the replay button...
Man, you are so there. Get in touch and maybe we can share a therapy appointment some time. And more importantly, talk music.
Commence your test here
PS: I don't know much about Cloud Nothings other than what Wikipedia tells us (hello, Cleveland!). Yea, I know that makes me a "mix tape fan" (not to mention a crappy music blogger) and a target of disdain from true devotees.
But hey, don't hate me. I already got that one covered.
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