Zebra, "Better Not Call"

Zebra. The Band. For 99.99% of the listening public, “the band“ modifier must be added to Zebra because even the internet seems lacking in references to this melodic rock band from Louisiana. But for those of us in the know, and lucky enough to experience the 3-man wall of sound live, “Zebra” can be like the password to a secret club where insight into talent and musicality is a basis for lasting respect and friendship. You would think that a band with no particular involvement in ethical animal rights who names itself after one mammal and featured another mammal (bears) in a lead single would be a tad short on pertinence to anyone in the 30 years since their last hit. And if lyrics are the thing that turns your crank, you would probably be right. While in possession of a serviceable lyric catalog, it would be a stretch to convince the uninitiated that they need to blow off the dust on the jacket of a 1982 album for Zebra’s poetic insights on life, love, and heartbreak. And bears. ...