Richard Walters, "Elephant in the Room"

The old adage is to write what you know. If so, somebody needs to give this post’s featured artist, Richard Walters, a hug. Or arrest him. Or at least do some serious investigating of his family and friends. For the level of first-person dysfunction on display in some of Walters’ best tunes is remarkable. But if Law & Order SVU (not to be confused with the ill-conceived Subaru sponsorship driven Law & Order SUV ) taught us anything, it's that dysfunction can be fascinating. As long as it's not our own. Drug abuse , spousal abuse , inappropriate sexual encounters and self-loathing are all on display in Richard Walters' work, rendered in an unforgettable falsetto voice. It’s gloriously disturbing and beautiful at the same time. I first heard Richard Walters and this post’s featured tune “Elephant in the Room” in the audition round of So You Think You Can Dance a few seasons back (a program whose over-40 male heterosexual audience undoubtedly numbers in the...