The Stabilizers, "One Simple Thing"

It’s been argued that the single most important invention of the industrial era was the washing machine, as the time savings it yielded helped revolutionize the role of women in the western world. If so, the song-identifying service Shazam (not to be confused with the significantly less revolutionary Shaq genie movie -- Kazaam ) would have to be a close second. Anyone who came of age before the new millennium has a white whale music story. That amazing, life-altering song they heard in the mall dressing room or caught the last 45 seconds of in the car but couldn’t identify. Cut to car interior, Chicago suburbs, late summer, 1986. Our protagonists – your two future MWMT collaborators – are engaged in a highly delusional discussion about how they could’ve been high school cross-country gods if only they had hit puberty sooner. Or their parents had the foresight to hold them back in kindergarten like Texas football kids. The conversation suddenly slackens as they si...