The Dykeenies, "Sounds of the City"

To paraphrase the Urban Dictionary , a dykeenie is a normal human who appears to be a giant as a result of the viewer's perspective (such as being the size of a sprite). The Scottish rock band the Dykeenies headline this premier post because they are, in both name and reality, the ultimate Mad World Mix Tape artist. With MWMT, we seek to cast (an ever so slightly) brighter light on the "almost-weres" and "sort-of-ares" of the rock/pop & songwriter world. To most, these artists are just another face in the crowd. But to their hundreds or thousands of fans, they are musical giants. Veritable dykeenies. As for the actual Dykeenies in question here, Wikipedia says they hung it up back in 2012 after two albums. Their biggest hit peaked at #53 on the UK singles chart. I always feel guilty when I discover a band posthumously (um, after their passing, not mine). As if I failed to be sufficiently musically vigilant or log sufficient time on Pandora. Surely my...